Thursday, January 31, 2013

Speaking Jesus

Growing up as a Christian, I naturally went to church every Sunday. During childhood, we were often encouraged to memorize scripture. This was especially true during vacation bible school. I memorized verses like everyone else but it didn't stick in my memory.

Over time, I heard in church that we are to speak the word. The idea being that you were suppose to speak out the verse that applied to your situation. For example, if you were afraid, you were to literally speak out or pray using the scripture that spoke about not fearing (i.e. 2 Timothy 1:7).

I understood that there is power in the word but I never seemed to fully grasp what speaking it out did for me.

A few weeks ago, I learned something new on this subject at church. If you've grown up in church, you are familiar with John 1:1 (In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.) This scripture relates back to Jesus. Pastor brought out that when you speak the word out, then you are actually speaking Jesus into your situation because he is the word. I thought that was really neat.

I've been speaking and reading some scriptures over Jaycee again. Her biggest issue in the past couple of years has been her breathing (sleep apnea, asthma). So I found some scriptures on breathing in the Bible. Like this one:
Genesis 1:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
These scriptures have given me hope because God is the breath giver and the source of life. If something tries to steal her breath away, it is not as almighty and powerful as God, so it can't win. Speaking this word and speaking Jesus over this situation with Jaycee, has given me hope.

If you read my blog about Jaycee starting gymnastics, then let me tell you about week #2. Jaycee was more like "herself." She wondered around and didn't stay where she was suppose to several times. So it didn't go as well as week #1. I'm hopeful for week #3. I need a gymnastics scripture to speak out! 

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