Moments before I became a liar on paper, I was in the
waiting area with other patients. There were some women here for the same
reason I was, a 6 week post-delivery checkup. On the floor next to me asleep in
the car seat sat my first new baby, Jaycee.
During the long wait, I was forced to look at the other moms
with their new babies. They were the moms I thought I would be, holding healthy
children and gushing with joy. I watched a mother snuggle her new baby nestled
in soft pink blanket before happily handing the baby over to her joyous grandma.
Another mom sitting along the wall, gently lifted her crying newborn baby out
of the car seat. The cries were soon stopped as a bottle was prepared and given
to the hungry baby.
Meanwhile, I sat in an uncomfortable chair calculating the number of
ounces Jaycee had drank today and how many we had left to go. I worried that
the appointment would go longer than expected, messing up Jaycee’s schedule for
feedings and medications. I yawned and fought to stay awake feeling totally
exhausted by Jaycee’s intensive round-the-clock feeding schedule meant to
increase her weight as quickly as possible before her open heart surgery. The
longer I sat, the more jealous of the other mothers I became. I willed the
nurse to open the door and call my name so I could soon retreat back to my home
with Jaycee.
By the time, I finally heard “Evana” I found myself on the
brink of an emotional breakdown. The initial assessment with the nurse was
quick and then I was handed that form. The screener for postpartum depression
was staring me in the face.
I didn’t need a questionnaire to know I was struggling. I
had struggled since the day the doctor told me my daughter had Down syndrome,
an AV canal heart defect, and was in congestive heart failure. I was expecting
a healthy child. As a 25 year old mother, I had no reason to suspect my baby
would be born with any problems.
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Newborn Jaycee and I during a feeding at home |
And there was that screener in my hand. As I ran through the
form circling answers as to not raise too much attention to myself, I suppose
part of me didn’t want to admit that I needed help. I felt at this point so
early after Jaycee’s diagnoses my feelings were normal and would eventually get
The doctor made no mention of my screening when she entered
to examine me. I suppose I passed it. Just before she left the room, she said
something about Jaycee. With a trembling voice, I then told her about Jaycee’s
problems before uncontrollably erupting into an all-out cry. All the hopeful
memories I had from being in there for previous visits coupled with seeing all
the other moms and babies in the waiting room had resulted in this unexpected
tearful display.
The doctor, who was clearly uncomfortable with my outburst,
asked if I was all right and if I needed medication. When I declined, she told me
to call if I changed my mind and left the room. That was how I allowed post-partum
depression to grow and grow into something more serious and untamable.
For about 10 months, I struggled. Initially, I cried EVERY
time I was alone. Yes, EVERY time! I didn’t want to leave my house more than I
absolutely had to do. I was overwhelmed. I was worried. I was stressed about
taking care of a medically complex child.
Finally, I was able to pull myself out of that negative and
sad world where I didn’t even recognize myself. It is only through God’s grace
that I was able to get to a place where my thinking began to change and I could
participate in some social interaction. But 10 months in depression was too
This year, we celebrated Jaycee’s 10th birthday. I spent time reflecting on her birth and all the things
the both of us had overcome since then. It was then that God whispered
something to my heart about that lie in that doctor’s office 10 years ago. I
had never considered what I had done a lie. I didn’t even know the
questionnaire would be given to me, so I had not planned to be untruthful. Yet,
I was. God showed me that by not answering those questions honestly I allowed
the depression to take root and grow. There was no one to monitor me but my
husband and parents, who were at a complete loss as to how to help me.
The depression was 10 years ago, and I have rarely discussed
it with anyone. I suppose I have kept it a secret for the same reasons I did
while I filled out that screening form. I was embarrassed that my emotions
seemed to be controlling me. I felt guilty that I was so depressed when I should
be nothing but happy to be a new mom. I was too proud to admit that I needed
help. I was ashamed that I was struggling with depression as a Christian.
And so, 10 years later I confessed the lie that I made on
paper that day and asked for God’s forgiveness. I realized how lying about
myself and my feelings contributed to some real pain and wrong thinking that
would really take me years to overcome.
I can’t go back in time, but I can learn from my mistakes. I
can also encourage others too. If you are struggling in this area, get help.
You are not weak. Admitting you need help takes courage and honesty. Denying
that you have a problem is not helpful to yourself or your family. God will
honor your honesty.
I get this. Sometimes it is easy to lie to ourselves and others than to admit that our child is struggling. Thanks for sharing your story.