Friday, September 27, 2013

From the Toy Store to ICU

Saturday afternoon, I took my kids shopping at Toys R Us. Jaycee had a great time picking up toys, playing with them awhile, and throwing them down. It was hilarious. We had such a great time going up and down the aisle. I loved seeing what toys she was drawn to.

Then came Sunday. What started out as a little sickness turned into a huge ordeal. We got her to the emergency room. She was feverish, tired, having difficulty breathing, and vomiting. In a short time, she was in the intensive care unit (ICU). In a few more hours, her monitors started going off. Her blood pressure went critically low. Before I knew it, I was sent out of the room so Jaycee could be intubated. This was a first for us.

And so this nightmare that started on Sunday has continued on until today (Friday). She's been diagnosed with pneumonia, rhinovirus, septic shock, and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Jaycee is the sickest she's ever been. She still has the breathing tube and has been sedated this entire time.

I haven't heard my little girl's sweet "mama", seen her smile, felt her kisses, or watched Barney with her. I miss her. I have cried, prayed, given her pep talks, and tried to keep it together.

Life is so precious. Every moment is a gift. You never know when life will change in an instant.

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