Sometimes, it seems like I have had the same conversations
with people over and over again regarding my daughter with Down syndrome.
Because of my experiences with her, I have learned how much people don’t
understand about Down syndrome and people with intellectual disabilities. Sometimes,
this leads to me feeling extremely frustrated because I am her mom, friend, and
advocate. But, I need to remember one important thing: I once was one of these
people who didn’t understand.
Before Jaycee, I thought, like many other people, that
only older mothers gave birth to babies with Down syndrome. I was 25 years old
when I had Jaycee. I looked at the doctor and asked, “How did this happen?” The
doctor explained to me that the chances of Down syndrome occurring increases
with maternal age, but it can happen to any pregnant woman for no reason at
all. Since having Jaycee, I have repeated this explanation to people who wonder
what went wrong for me to give birth to a child with Down syndrome.
Before having Jaycee, I thought all life was valuable. This
is the one thing that hasn’t changed, but I have received more clarity.
Jaycee’s life is not important because of what she can do. Her life is
important because of who she is. She is a sweet girl, a daughter, a sister, and
cousin bringing love to our family. She is a fighter, surviving two open heart
surgeries, two heart ablations, and multiple hospital admissions. She loves
music, dancing, pizza, being with friends, and the color green. She has thoughts,
opinions, and emotions. She is a human being whose life is no more valuable
than mine just because I can speak, graduate college, and hold a job.
As we celebrate World Down syndrome day on March 21st,
I am reminded of the work advocates have to keep doing for people with Down
syndrome. Sometimes, it feels overwhelming to address preconceived notions and
to keep educating the public. I am reminded that people’s minds and attitudes
can change, because I know mine did. If only every person in the world could meet
Jaycee, then they too would understand.
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